Privacy in Social Media and The Press
When we share our lives with our blog readers, or with our Twitter followers, do we automatically give permission for the press to access that information? Is there any privacy in Social Media? What would you do, if your entire life history was broadcast to the world, at a time when your life was falling apart? And where is the line to be drawn, when reporting a story of national interest? These questions have been going around in my head since I read the article on the Daily Mail website about the wife of Jeremy Forrest. For those who are not in UK, and may…
The Signs of Controlling Behaviour – Red Flags and How to Spot Them
If we were able to teach young people to recognise the signs of controlling behaviour, the ‘red flags’, would we be able to protect them from abusive relationships? If we were to teach children in schools how to spot a controlling person, would be help save them from misery and self-doubt? If we talk openly with friends about the ‘red flags’ would they recognise their own relationships and find the strength to walk away? I hope so. For this reason, I am writing two blog posts today. One for adults, here on this blog, and one for tweens and teens on Jump! Mag When writing for kids, I am very concious of…
Sex Ed and Enthusiastic Consent
I posted yesterday about women who find it difficult to believe that they had been raped, and since then other women have come forward to say that they too have been remembering incidents that they had pushed to the back of their minds. I have been thinking of moments in my life, that I had put down to a bad decision, which I now can see differently. I was not raped, but I was coerced into doing more than I felt comfortable doing. The women confiding in me were talking about incidents that happened in their teens or early twenties. They are older and more experienced now and are able to…
Protect Your Children – The Danger of Stranger Danger
This is a post that I have been meaning to write for quite some time. For some readers, this post will be distressing or upsetting – Trigger Warning for discussion of abuse and abusers. I am reminded of it every time I read about the angst that many parents have, that their child will be abducted or abused. Often this comes up at times when there has been a high profile case in the newspapers. The worry is understandable, we all want to protect our child from harm. First, it is important to understand the risks. Stranger Danger The big fear is often “Stranger Danger” – that…