Are you a Pot Saver or a Pot Slattern?
If you had asked me this earlier today, I would have had no idea what you were talking about. Now, thanks to the wonder of Mumsnet I know what a Pot Saver is, and that I am one.
According to a Mumsnet poster Pot Saver “… is a pejorative word meaning that when I’m cooking, or planning cooking, I’m always keeping one eye on what’s going to minimise washing up”.

That is me! Whether it is One Pot Spaghetti Carbonara, Easy Chicken And Ham Pie, Salmon en Croûte, Pizza or Quick and Easy Salmon Coulibiac, my favourite recipes use just one pot. Or no pot at all.
We have a lot of BBQs in the summer, so I can bung a salad together and not bother washing pots. Or a quick and easy tomato and pasta salad – I must blog that recipe next time I make it because it is delicious. And easy. A One Pot Pasta Salad.
Sometimes I make more complicated meals, but generally I like an easy life. Even when we have visitors, I like to keep it simple, which means that we can sit and chat together rather than me being stuck in the kitchen while the guests chat to my husband.
My brother is a chef, and a terrible Pot Slattern. He is used to having Pot Washers, I guess, and uses every pot and dish in the kitchen when he cooks, generally the largest sizes as he is used to cooking for large numbers of people. Although I do have to say, he may be a Pot Slattern but he does work incredibly tidily, clearing up as he goes along.
So are you a Pot Saver or a Pot Slattern ?
The Mad House
Oh I am a one pot girl all the way. However, MadDad was a pot slattern until I explained that pans could not go in the dishwasher and he would have to wash them his self as I wasn’t going to do it for him!
Ah, yes. Pot Slattern can be quickly converted if they are on washing up duties. My parents always had a One-Person-One-Kitchen-Duty-Rule so the cook did not have to wash up. This is a big mistake with a Pot Slattern in the house.
Fee Hills
I am a pot saver. I’m also a knife saver, wooden spoon saver, cup saver – you get the picture.
Sounds very familiar.
Total pot slattern. But we also have the You Cook I’ll Clean Up rule, so I don’t have to do the washing!
Your poor husband. Did the burnt pot survive?
J. Hill
If I ever did any cooking, I would probably be a wannabe pot saver, though end up somewhat slatternly.
As it happens, I am marrying a complete pot slattern. Honestly, the food is lovely, but the washing up he leaves himself (he’s lovely and does both) is a sight to behold.
…I usually clean the hob. It needs it.
Sounds like a catch, despite the Pot Slatternly tendencies. Cooks and washes up!
J. Hill
Our arrangement is that I then do the laundry and keep the bathroom clean. I think that’s fair…
Oh, I don’t know. I am cleaner upper, as in I clean up as I go along and I love dishes that have to be baked, which means I can clean the kitchen when its in the oven.
My DH on the other hand is a complete slattern, sigh!! Easier for me to cook than clean up after him 🙂
My favourite meals for guests are ones that are baked in the oven, so much easier to prepare in advance and bung in the oven. If I can cover meat, veg and potato in one dish, then I am happy.
Dilly Tante
I’m a pot slattern but I shove most things in the dishwasher. Dh is supposed to clean up when I’ve been cooking but I’m actually good at cleaning up as I go along.
I do like job sharing
Definitely a pot slattern! The kitchen looks as if hit by a bomb when I cook but I do clean up the mess afterwards. Everything goes in the diswasher, except for the pan and knives. DH is a role model: he’s a pot saver and cleans up as he goes along.