• Parenting

    Homework – and why parents should get a free bottle of wine with their children’s homework assignments

    We did homework today. Les doigts de pieds s’appellent: a. les oreilles b. les orteils DD: I don’t understand ME: what are the doigts? DD: fingers ME: good. What are the pieds? DD: feet. ME: Ok, what are the fingers of the toes? DD: ME: at the end of your hands you have? DD: fingers ME: and at the end of your feet? DD: ummmm ME: look, fingers on the hands. and what is on the feet? DD: I don’t knoooooooooooooow ME: LOOK AT MY HANDS – THERE ARE FINGERS ON THE END. WHAT IS ON THE END OF MY FEET. LOOK AT MY BLOODY FEET DS: (shouts from the…

  • Switzerland

    The Swiss and their Dogs

    This is a picture of Daphne and her sister, Holly. They are from two different litters, born a year apart and are quite different in temperament. Daphne is more outgoing and friendly while Holly tends to be more shy and timid. Owning a dog in Switzerland is not as straight forward as one might think. There are a list of regulations that vary from canton to canton. As Swiss residents have to obey laws made not just on a cantonal level, but also federal laws, and those made after a referendum, the list of dos and don’ts is long and confusing. They vary from canton to canton so if one…

  • Switzerland

    Lausanne and Morges

    Lausanne is an interesting city, the old town is perched on the top of several hills, there are bridges and walkways connecting the different areas of the city. It is slightly confusing at first but once we had wandered around for a while be began to get our bearings.     Sadly, the 2nd January is a holiday in Switzerland it seems. We had checked online and were informed that only the 1st January is a holiday but when we arrived in Lausanne we found not just the shops were closed, there were also very few cafés or restaurants open. We wandered around then went for coffee in Starbucks, aside…

  • Parenting

    Creativity in education

    While reading this blog I stumbled across a speech by Sir Ken Robinson that I first heard a few years ago at a conference. The audience at the conference, teachers of English as a foreign language, were mesmerised and inspired by Sir Ken. I must remember to listen to the speech once a year to keep it fresh in my mind.

  • Switzerland

    Santa Claus House – Le hameau du Père Noel

    Today we headed over to France to Santa Claus’s house, Le hameau du Père Noel after a tip from a friend. It was well worth the trip, a truly magical house filled to the brim with interesting things for the children to discover. Outside in the Jardin de lutins (the Elves Garden) the sleigh awaits the big night.To assist Rudolf and his crew, there is a large ramp at the end of the runway. Inside the house, the children were fascinated by the kitchen – cookies were being made, the recipe book open on the table. In the elves dining room the table was set for dinner, and when we…

  • Switzerland

    Escalade Celebrations

    This was taken down in the village, early evening. I love the colours in this picture. We were down at the Salle Communale for the village celebrations of the Escalade. The football club had invited the children and their parents to a procession and disco. It was great fun for the children, and the adults were able to relax and have a glass of wine (or three). A chocolate cauldron called a marmite was lowered to the floor and smashed, the filling of marzipan and sweets spilling all over the floor to be snatched up by the waiting hordes. The disco afterwards was great fun, the DJ was great and…

  • Parenting

    Kind old ladies, aren’t they just lovely?

    I recently took the children to Manor in Vesenaz to buy a comic each. They hummed and hawed and the old lady who works in the newsagent came over. I was worried that she would be annoyed at them taking so long and looking at all the comics. She started to chat to my daughter about what kind of comic she liked and if she liked Barbie. I listened fascinated as I always do when my children speak French, I cannot believe how fast they have learnt. When we were leaving my daughter asked for sweets and I said that since we had already bought comics, we would buy sweeties…

  • France,  Switzerland

    Abondance Abbey

    We spent the day in the mountains, in Abondance and Châtel. The Abbey in Abondance is beautiful. The sun shining through the stained glass windows made for colourful shadows around the church.  

  • Dogs

    Maltese Terriers – vicious with ex-presidents

    Who knew? Little Daphne could turn into a dangerous dog. Ex-President Chirac’s Maltese Sumo took the move from the Elysee Palace to an appartment in Paris hard and severe depression turned him from “an innocent white fluff-ball into a ferocious attacker of ex-Presidents”. Sumo has been rehomed and now lives on a farm. When I was a girl sending a dangerous dog “to live on a farm” was a euphanism for euthanasia. I hope that this is not the case for poor Sumo. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/8287166.stm

  • France

    La Galoise

    The children were fascinated by the villagers in their Asterix and Obelix style dress at a festival in a local French village. Not quite sure what it was all about, but it was fun! 

  • France

    Fête de la chasse – Hunting Festival in Machilly, France

    Quite by accident, we stumbled across this festival. Or rather, my husband cycled past in the morning as they were preparing for the Fête and we decided to go after breakfast, thinking it was a car boot sale.     When we arrived we realised that it was a festival for hunters.     Hunting horns, hand made in France                 The wine bar was busy, as is normal in France.               We decided to have lunch there, and were pleasantly surprised by the food on offer. No greasy fry-ups here. The 3-course meal was:   Bread…

  • Geneva,  Switzerland

    Fète de Genève

    We went to the Fête de Genève today, a massive carnival that runs right around the lakeside. Geneva is busy busy busy, lots of tourists come especially for the Fête, and this years Guest of Honour is the Sulanate of Oman. We have heard that they are talking about moving next years Fête from the traditional start on 1st August as it will clash with Ramadam. My son enjoyed the rollercoaster; his sister slightly less so. After the second circuit, she had enough and spent the last couple of circuits yelling that she wanted to get off. After a couple of hours we were exhausted and skint so headed for…

  • Switzerland

    1er Août 2009, Fête national suisse

    On the 1st August 2009 Switzerland celebrated the country’s 718th anniversary, referring to the creation of the country in 1291, although independance came some time later in 1648. The population voted in 1993 to make the 1st August a day of celebration and a public holiday and since 1994 the Swiss have celebrated with bonfires, fireworks and lantern parades How fab is that, that the population can vote to have a day off?

  • writing

    The tale of Boris the cat

    I am looking after the neighbours cats while they are away and when I went to bring them in there was no sign of Boris the tabby. I called and called and even got the emergency tuna bribe out of the cellar. Still no Boris. After we had our meal I had another look. I was beginning to get worried as it had started to rain, with thunder and lightning. Another hour passed and I was out again, scouring the neighbourhood for bloody Boris. Dad shouted from our house that they had found the cat. He had been hiding under Mum and Dads’ bed and when Mum went down to…

  • writing

    On the plane to Scotland

    I am on my way to Edinburgh for SIL-to-be’s Henny Night. Tonight we will get down and dirty at the Boyzone concert in Glasgow. It is a bit strange, travelling without the kids. I have time to look around me and notice things. Like the couple ahead of me in the queue to get on the plane. Snazzy red trousers, Bavarian jacket and golf gloves. Or are they driving gloves? You know the thing I mean, beige gloves made of leather and mesh material with the Velcro fastening on back of the hand. The weirdest thing was that his wife was wearing a matching pair of gloves. He is sitting…

  • Parenting

    You Can’t Take them Anywhere

    Son caught in the act by daughter using my mobile phone. Yesterday we were invited to husband’s colleagues house for Kaffee und Kuchen and in that time DS managed to terrorise our dog, draw on their glass coffee table with felt tip pens (wiped off luckily) and then finally hid the key of the loo. Soon the colleagues and I were outside in the neighbours’ garden, searching the hedge where he told us that he had hidden in, while husband tried to get son to tell us exactly where he had hidden the key. I was on my tummy on the ground searching the undergrowth when daughter told me that he…

  • Dogs

    Puppy Makeover

    Daphne went to the “Toilletage” for the first time this week and was transformed. She went in looking rather bedraggled and came out looking so cute. It took 2 hours and cost more than my hairdresser.   Maybe I shoud get husband to do it the next time.  

  • Switzerland

    Mer de Glace – Sea of Ice

    Did you know that cut into the glacier at Chamonix Montblanc, there is an Ice Grotto? To get there we travelled on the Montenvers Train, which was built 100 years ago. The train takes around 20 minutes and travels just over 5km, taking passengers from Chamonix up to the edge of the Mer de Glace at 1913m altitude. The construction of the line required 118,000 m3 of earthwork, including 33,000m3 of rock and 32,220m3 of brickwork. 35 mules each day carried between 80 and 150 kg of materials. In 1960 a cable car was constructed to transport the tourist part of the way to the grotto, there is still a steep…

  • Dogs

    Daphne and her brother

    Daphne was the smallest of the litter, and Obelix the biggest. They met today for the first time since leaving their mum and had a great time. She is less than half the size of Obelix but gave as good as she got. After our wee adventure yesterday, where we got lost in the woods of France, she is not so keen to go out for a long walk today. We walked for over an hour before I remembered my trusty iPhone has GPS navigation system that lead us back home safely. It was a beautiful day but very cold and Daphne was not impressed. Today I am meeting the…

  • Switzerland

    Jingle bells, Jingle Bells…

    I know it is too late for Christmas songs, but this was one that we should have been singing today as we dashed through the snow on our 2 horse open sleigh. We were in Gstaad today and husband suggested a spin in a horse drawn sleigh. You can imagine that he did not have to ask twice. We were snuggled up together, including Daphne, under a couple of big warm blankets. The weather was cold but wonderful, and we enjoyed the sleigh ride very much. Afterwards we retired to a lovely cafe to warm ourselves with tea and hot chocolate. From our window seat we could watch the passersby. Sadly,…

  • Parenting


    As I have posted, DD was soooo excited to finally be a Wackelzahnkind. She spent ages wobbling it back and forth, hoping it would fall out. We went out for a meal with Oma and Opa when the visited and when DD bit on a bit of pizza she said that her tooth was really sore. She stuck to the spaghetti bolognese after that, but was very happy to note that her mouth was bleeding. On our way home in the car, DD gave a shout, “MEIN WACKELZAHN IST DRAUSSEN!” and proudly showed off her tooth and the resulting gap. She was even more excited to realise a day or…

  • Geneva,  Switzerland

    Escalade and Marmite pots

    Geneva celebrates the Escalade each December to commemorate the defeat of the troops sent by Charles Emmanuel I, Duke of Savoy in the night of 11/12 December 1602. During that fateful night the Genevoise were alerted to the troops gathering just outside the city walls and fought alongside the town militia. Legend has it that Mére Royaume, a mother of 14 children grabbed the cauldron of soup that she was making at the time and poured it out of the window, killing one of the attackers. To celebrate Mére Royaume, the Genevoise now smash a chocolate pot, or Marmite, that is filled with marzipan vegetables, while reciting “Ainsi périssent les…