Banana Cupcakes with Caramel Fleur de Sel
When I renamed the blog, I decided that I would make Salted Caramels and perhaps use the photos for the blog logo. Easier said than done, I discovered. When I searched for a recipe, I found that almost all of them called for what the Americans call “heavy cream”. This is a cream with a fat content of 36 to 38%, in between single cream and double cream. The closest I can find in Switzerland is Vollrahm, in French Crème Entière, with 35%.
For making caramels, it is incredibly important to have a candy thermometer, which I did not have. I bought what I thought was a candy thermometer but it was a jam thermometer and did not go up to the required 120°C.
So my caramels were not exactly a success. They taste great but were very difficult to cut and have been lurking in the fridge since I made them. Caramels are of course extremely sweet, and I can only eat one at a time so they may last for some time.
I will try again when I find a candy thermometer, perhaps using a different recipe. Once I have found the perfect recipe, I will of course share it with you.
For now, here is the recipe of the Banana Cupcakes I made today, using some of the caramels.
[recipe 1585]

Now I NEED to make salted caramels…unfortunately I would not only be able to eat one at a time!
Oh, you would. Seriously, I love sweets but these are super sweet. Will attempt a new batch next week and see how I get on.
Gorgeous looking cupcakes… we must be on the same kick, I have just made salted caramel sauce for my butter ice cream 🙂
You should have seen the caramels you gave me to take home. Squashed flat as a pancake. However after 2 weeks in the fridge (I forgot they were there) I cut them up and they taste OK but very sweet. Must remember to give the ones to your brother.