How to Make a First Period Kit
No, don’t worry. I’m not going to advise you to throw a First Period Party for your daughter. I can only imagine the sheer horror that my daughter would greet this suggestion. It is probably up there with ‘Mum-dancing with my guidance teacher at the school disco in an effort to get all the kids to dance’ on the 1 – 100 scale of embarrassment.
Talking to kids about sex is an important part of parenting, and a part of this is talking to girls about getting their first period. One of the best ways to help your daughter prepare, is to make a First Period Kit.
Why Make a First Period Kit?
It can be a good conversation starter. Pick a time when no other siblings are around, and you have time to devote to your daughter, and start a conversation.
It also ensures that she has everything she needs in advance of getting her first period. If she starts her period when you are not there, she won’t have to worry about finding sanitary products. Lots of girls would feel uncomfortable talking to their father, grandparents or a babysitter about their periods.
She can also take a small bag to school, or on school trips, just in case.
What to Put In a First Period Kit?
There are companies who sell packages, such as Period Box, or you can put together your own, taking your daughter’s likes and preferences into consideration.
You may have a preferred brand of sanitary protection, that you would recommend to her – but do allow her to try other brands. Just because one brand suits you, doesn’t mean she’ll feel the same.
Include both sanitary towels and tampons – she may not feel comfortable with tampons initially, but for swimming and school sport, they will be needed.
With puberty and periods, come pimples. Even if she doesn’t get zits now, with the hormones going a bit crazy, she might find her skin breaks out. My daughter really likes the Green People Yo! skin care range, particularly the cleanser, make-up remover and moisturiser cream.
Lots of girls feel self-conscious when they have their period, so include a funky body spray, or a Lush soap. I recently bought my daughter the Relaxing Lavender spray from Botanics at Boots, and she loves it. You can be creative here – include some little treats that you know she’ll love
You can’t go wrong with a cosy hot water bottle – this one has a cover that was crocheted by a wonderful friend.
A small make up bag, for taking san pro to school. Include a spare pair of pants, in case of leakage, and a couple of little disposal bags. She may never need them, but knowing she’s got them with her just in case will give her peace of mind.
A packet of her favourite treats!
And finally … a badge that she can wear when she’s feeling hormonal.

mama elsie
You are an absolute genius. I would have loved on of these when it was my turn. This just helps the confidence and a bit of independence with the whole thing. Sometimes we forget how tough it all was…and still is!
Lynn C Schreiber
Thank you – always nice to be called a genius! 🙂 I would have loved this too, and glad that I can pass it on for the next generation.
Lukeosaurus And Me
Such a great idea! I wonder if my boyfriend will make me one? I love the little make up bag idea too, definitely a good choice to include some spare pants! I would probably also put in like a mini pack of baby wipes or something if she’s using pads initially, instead of tampons – just because it’s nice to feel fresh! Love this post, if I ever have a girl I am definitely doing this. Ray xx @ lukeosaurusandme.blogspot.co.uk