Lausanne and Morges
Lausanne is an interesting city, the old town is perched on the top of several hills, there are bridges and walkways connecting the different areas of the city. It is slightly confusing at first but once we had wandered around for a while be began to get our bearings.
Sadly, the 2nd January is a holiday in Switzerland it seems. We had checked online and were informed that only the 1st January is a holiday but when we arrived in Lausanne we found not just the shops were closed, there were also very few cafés or restaurants open.
We wandered around then went for coffee in Starbucks, aside from Macdonalds, the only café open
After coffee we headed back towards Geneva, this time on the B-roads and discovered the lovely town of Morges. Situated, like Lausanne, directly on the banks of Lake Geneva, Morges is a small but very picturesque town. The pedestrian zone boasts pretty decent shops and we will definitely head back over some time to have a proper look.
The beautiful promenade along the lakeside was full of people, obviously a
popular destination for day trip