• Baking,  Germany

    Plätzchen Plätzchen

    Further to my Advent Advent post, here is the result of our weekend baking activity. Lots of wonderful Christmas biscuits – called Plätzchen in Germany. The word Plätzchen (according to Wiki) comes from either the diminutive of Platz – round flat cake – or from the latin word placenta which means cake. Placenta means CAKE? Why had I never heard of this before? It makes sense though, because in Germany the placenta is called the “Mutterkuchen”. At the beginning of Advent, many families in Germany bake Plätzchen, often using old family recipes. My mother-in-law uses the same recipe for the Xmas Plätzchen as she does for the Easter biscuits, a…

  • Food

    Lazy Sunday Afternoon Cookies and Easy Chicken & Ham Pie

    It has rained today. Warm rain, it has to be said, so still preferable to Scottish rain, but rain all the same. Our dog sniffs at the door, toddles along the side of the house, does what she has to do and hurries back inside. It is that kind of rain, persistent, heavy, drenching, driech. It is a day for cookies, I decided. If it were colder, we could put the fire on, drink hot chocolate and toast marshmallows. Despite the rain, it is still almost 20°C, so we shall keep that plan for a proper autumn day. My cookies are baked, soft squigy chocolate chip using this recipe. I cannot buy…