The Long Goodbye
It has been several months now since we learned that we are leaving Geneva. Months in which we have slowly started saying goodbye to Switzerland. Is it perhaps a defence mechanism that we have started finding fault with our host country prior to leaving, or was it simply time to leave? I don’t know but the niggles are growing and I occasionally hear myself say, “Thank God we are leaving soon”. Which is a bit unfair to Switzerland as we have been very happy here. The past months though have shown our limitations. The Swiss are not great at welcoming new people into their lives – which is understandable,…
Au Revoir Suisse
This was our last year in Switzerland. We have known for some time that we would be moving next year, and I must admit that I have put off blogging about it. Maybe in the hope that by not writing about it, it wouldn’t happen. Now that the moving date is set, I can no longer avoid the truth. The removal men will arrive the last week of February and pack up our belongings, which will initially go into storage until we find a house in our final destination. My husband is being moved to the Munich office, but the children and I are going to Scotland for a few…