Privacy in Social Media and The Press
When we share our lives with our blog readers, or with our Twitter followers, do we automatically give permission for the press to access that information? Is there any privacy in Social Media? What would you do, if your entire life history was broadcast to the world, at a time when your life was falling apart? And where is the line to be drawn, when reporting a story of national interest? These questions have been going around in my head since I read the article on the Daily Mail website about the wife of Jeremy Forrest. For those who are not in UK, and may…
Paul McMullan – Are We Accomplices?
Has there ever been such an explosive and, quite frankly, entertaining witness at a public enquiry as Paul McMullan, ex News of the World journalist turned whistleblower? Picture Credit Twitter almost exploded this afternoon as McMullan gave evidence about phone hacking, journalistic methods and the ties between the press, the police and politics in UK. He admitted being proud of the Name and Shame campaign that led to a paediatrician being beaten up by yobs who misunderstood the difference between paediatrician and paedophile. He defended phone hacking as being a “perfectly acceptable tool”. He was asked if phone hacking was widespread at the NoW and if his editors know about…
Do the children of writers have a right to privacy?
This morning on Twitter, the writer Jenny Colgan linked to this story in the Daily Mail. Supposedly an article on how even young girls suffer from self-doubt and trying to live up to an unreachable beauty ideal, the author tells of finding her six year old daughter’s diary and reading it. She finds to her horror that the diary is full of self-critical observations. She admits that it is wrong to read her daughter’s diary, completely missing the much larger betrayal of writing about her daughter’s intimate feelings and fears, then publishing it in a nationwide newspaper. Great way to boost your daughter’s self-esteem – write it up for all…